We offer testing services onsite, so you don’t have to take the day off or waste time commuting to a remote testing site. A simple virus test will tell us if you are currently carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Each test is conducted by a certified and trained healthcare specialist who will ensure you are as comfortable as possible.
Both of our vaccines are mRNA vaccines, Pfizer, 2 shots (21 days apart), and Moderna, 2 shots (28 days apart).
Each test is conducted by a certified and trained healthcare specialist who will ensure you are as comfortable as possible.
Our skilled and dedicated team will be at your workplace at the designated time and can set up without assistance.
For curbside COVID testing, please call (513) 954-0112 prior to or upon arrival.
Sterling staff will further direct you.
We can test anyone for COVID, not only the elderly. Most people don’t know this, but you may have COVID-19 even if you are not showing any symptoms. You can easily become a super spreader or get sick yourself later. Don't let your classroom or workplace get out of control; test now.
At Sterling Community Health, we accept all types of insurance. Not covered by an insurance plan? No problem! Not everyone requires a payment, and we will work with you to find an affordable solution. We are Cares Act-registered and approved.